Angular contact thrust ball bearings for screw drives
Angular contact thrust ball bearings for screw drives

Machine tools require screw drives that can position a workpiece
or machine component quickly, efficiently and precisely. To meet these
requirements, screw drives are usually supported at both ends by
super-precision bearings that can provide a high degree of stiffness.
The bearings may also have to accommodate high acceleration and high
speed. SKF and SNFA joined their super-precision bearing expertise to
develop bearings, which better meet the requirements set by screw
drive applications.
The table provides an overview of the new assortment of SKF-SNFA
super-precision angular contact thrust ball bearings.
SKF-SNFA bearings for screw drives are single or double direction
angular contact thrust ball bearings that are available in numerous
designs and sizes. In addition to the single direction angular contact
thrust ball bearings that were originally designed for screw drives,
the SKF-SNFA assortment also includes double direction bearings that
can be inserted in a housing bore or bolted to a machine wall. They
are also available as cartridge units with a flanged housing that is
ready for installation.
The characteristic properties of these angular contact thrust ball
bearings include:
– high axial stiffness
– high axial load carrying capacity
– very high running accuracy
– low frictional moment
– ability to accommodate high speeds and accelerations
SKF-SNFA angular contact thrust ball bearings for screw drives are
especially suitable for screw drive applications, but are also
beneficial in other applications, where safe radial and axial support
is required, together with extremely precise axial guidance of the
SKF angular contact thrust ball bearings are commonly used in
following industries:
– machine tools
– aerospace
– printing
– material handling
– injection moulding
Where applicable, designations in parentheses refer to the
corresponding SNFA equivalent
Cuscinetti volventi
Cusinetti alta
High-/super-precision bearings
SKF high-precision bearings
SKF - SNFA super-precision bearings
Bearing accessories and services
Unità cuscinetto
Unità cuscinetti a sfere
Unità cuscinetti a rulli
Unità monoblocco doppie
Supporti per cuscinetti
Sopporti ritti, in due metà
Sopporti monoblocco
Sopporti flangiati
Sopporti tenditori
Snodi sferice e terminale
Cuscinetti radenti composite e boccole FW